Klient 2 C++ SDK

Updated: August 01, 2005, 03:59

This C++ SDK is a port of the original Klient 2 Delphi SDK. The purpose of this SDK is to help Klient users to write Klient DLL Plugins in C++.

The SDK provides type definitions and constant declarations for C++ developers. These defintions are used in DLL script code to communicate with Klient.

Additionally, the SDK also includes classes, which wraps all available functionality for ease of use.


MSVC 6 or later. To compile the library with MSVC 6 at least WTL 3.1 is needed. The latest version of WTL can be found here

To use the SDK with VS.NET, no additional libaries are needed, only the samples use WTL7 for the UI.
